2020 Feb 23


It's up to us to write what happens next.

It’s Too Late to Be a Pessimist

Former actor Yann Arthus-Bertrand directed this visually astonishing portrait of the Earth as seen from mesmerizing aerial views. He brilliantly captures the miraculous links within delicate eco-systems. For viewers whose eyes glaze over at descriptions of the way Earth recycles energy and matter, HOME underscores the beautiful and awesome reality of that complex process. 

Everything is linked, everything is part of a grand machine—the film makes this clear in scores of ways, not just by telling us. Arthus-Bertrand reveals the intricate, breathtaking designs and patterns of glaciers feeding rivers, of animals feeding on plant life so more plant life can grow, of Australia's great Coral Reef's role in keeping the ocean in eco-balance. 

Of course, a big part of the story is the impact short-sighted humans have on these systems: the way we overfish, or drain deserts of scarce fossil water, or turn non-farming lands into perverse engines for agriculture. There is much to be alarmed at watching HOME, but there is much to move one as well.


Original Link: YouTube

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