2020 Apr 07

Mindfulness and Heart at Peace by Dharma Master Hsin Tao, collated by the University for Life and Peace

University for Life and Peace pays attention to Wellbeing of Earth and Sustainability of Life. We hope to awaken your Love for Earth and All Lives, and to Return to Spirituality. Let us listen to teachings by Dharma Master Hsin Tao.

The University for Life and Peace pays close attention to
the Wellbeing of our Mother Earth and the Sustainability of Life.


A new virus has appeared on our planet - the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, and it has caused the widespread of the Coronavirus Disease(Covid-19). It is testing humankind's values, our perspective of the ecosystem, and our love and care for other lives. We have collected a series of spiritual reflections on the Covid-19, in hopes that it will also awaken your Love for Mother Earth, to Return to Spirituality, and to Love All Lives.


In a series of videos below, Dharma Master Hsin Tao will teach us how to support each other and face this pandemic together.


Part 1 - Keeping Pandemics at Bay with Mindfulness and Heart at Peace

"Again, about life at peace, let us hope that a mindset prevails, which is that every life in any form is a life partner to us. All life forms are our partners. Hence, all sentient beings are an inter-dependent co-existence. We rely on one another, and an inter-reliant symbiosis is life's status quo.So we need to be compassionate. We need to have empathy and love for all life forms. The overall interactions can only then be positive."


Part 2 - Keeping our Heart Steady is Key to Mitigate Calamity and Resolve Adversity

"We continue to promote Life at Peace, so that people appreciate a circular symbiosis as an interdependent co-existence; all is better without negative oppositions. The same applies to ecology, as ecology, like us, is a co-existence complex. As such, everything is our companion and we must cherish and respect that. I think that, presently our thoughts run wild and we are dreadful, but much of such heavy thinking helps little. We are better off to not think at all and resonate to abolish this pandemic by ways such as chanting mantra, praying, or reciting scriptures, and by upholding a kind heart of compassion."


Part 3 - What we at LJM endeavour

"I reckon that when we have compassion in us, the moment when it comes bursting out, the pandemic would probably vanish into thin air. This is because the virus is also a life form, and the pandemic it creates also has a spiritual dimension to it. When on the spiritual level it witnesses our compassion, it would be moved, and that could well be the end of the pandemic. To demolish calamities, therefore, the single most important action would be positive karma."


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