Dr. rer. biol. hum. Maria Reinisch 

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Maria Reinisch 
Managing Director, Federation of German Scientists, Berlin, Germany 


The academic and professional work at large of Reinisch is characterized by high and successful interdisciplinarity. After completing a degree in economics, she has spent several years in top management positions at a globally recognized DAX corporation. Her doctoral research in human biology using behavioral paradigms and imaging technology has focused on a new understanding of leadership and its perception from both self and external perspectives. Since 2016, Reinisch is the Managing Director of the Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler e.V., VDW), engaging with leading scientists to promote critical thinking and responsible scientific work with conferences, events and workshops on topics such as climate change, renewable energy, loss of biodiversity, smart cities, or peace and security. One key aspect of her scientific and managerial work involves translating scientific content also into creative art, aiming to achieve a comprehensive and deeper understanding through the combination of rational and emotional perspectives. Additionally, she teaches at LMU and FOM. The establishment of solution-oriented alliances between representatives of politics, science, business, and media are crucial elements of her work; Reinisch places emphasis on developing concepts for public representation and facilitating dialogues with political and other decision-makers. Her goal is to actively shape socio-economic and ecological transformation. She utilizes her profound expertise and leadership skills to transcend the boundaries of science, foster critical scientific insights, and inspire dedication and commitment towards the creation of a sustainable society. 

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