2024 Dec 01

Aesthetic as unifying principle of modes of knowing

'Aesthetic as unifying principle of modes of knowing' Abstract

Title:  "Aesthetic as unifying principle of modes of knowing" 


Author:  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ernst Pöppel (LMU Munich, Germany) 



Human knowledge expresses itself in three different modes: explicit, implicit, and sensory (in particular visual) knowledge.  The reference to knowledge as explicit knowledge only (as it is usually done in the Western cultural environment) neglects the other modes of knowledge. Instead of using the noun “knowledge,” it is suggested that we use “knowing” as a term to stress the active mode in cognition and 
motivation. The three modes of knowing are reflected in different mechanisms of cognitive and neural processing; these can already be observed in classical documents of humankind. Although possessing different characteristics, the three modes of knowing are related to each other in a complementary way, thus providing an integrative or holistic network for cognition. It is suggested that a unifying frame of 
the modes of knowing lies in aesthetic principles. These different modes of knowing with their unifying frame reflect some general features of the human mind. To deal with environmental issues like the climate change or biodiversity the full spectrum of the human mind has to be brought to action. 

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