Prof. Dr. Michael von Brueck

Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück

Human Science Center, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Dr. theol, is Prof. em. of Religious Studies at the University of Munich, Germany, and has been founder and Head of the Interfaculty Program of Religious Studies at the same University; He was also founding member of the Centre for Buddhist Studies in Munich (international PhD Program). He studied Theology, Indology and Comparative Linguistics at Rostock University, Indian Philosophy and Religion at Madras University. He specializes in Advaita Vedânta and Mahâyâna-Buddhism. Besides, he received a four years training in Yoga at the Krishnamacarya Yoga Mandiram in Madras and studied Zen-Buddhism in theory and practice at Tenryu-ji in Kyoto, Japan.

After a visiting professorship at Gurukul Lutheran College in Madras 1980-1985 he became Prof. of Comparative Religion at Regensburg University in 1988 and took over the chair of Religionswissenschaft at the University of Munich in 1991 and became director of this institute. He lectures widely all over the world and has been a visiting lecturer and professor at several German (Hamburg, Tübingen), American (Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of California (Davis), Rice University, Harvard Centere for the Study of World Religion etc.) and Asian Universities (Madras, Bangalore, Chiang Mai). For eight years he has served as the General Editor of the journal “Dialog der Religionen”. He is member of the Human Science Centre of Munich University and Co-Founder and member of the Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Munich. He has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Goethe Institute and a member of the Advisory Board of Suhrkamp Verlag: Edition World Religions.

He is the Founding Director of the Palliative-Spiritual Academy in Weyarn/Munich, Germany. Since 2015 he is Honorary Professor for Religious Studies/aesthetics of Religion at the Catholic Private University in Linz (Austria). He is the Head of Academic Development, University for Life and Peace Preparatory Office, Yangon and Taipei.

He has written more than twenty major books and about 300 essays in journals all over the world on theology, Buddhism, Hinduism and the encounter of World Religions (especially Buddhism and Hinduism).


Some of his books are:

1.The Unity of Reality. God, God-experience and Meditation in the Hindu-Christian Dialogue, New York: Paulist Press 1991

2.Weisheit der Leere. Sûtra-Texte des indischen Mahâyâna-Buddhismus, Zürich: Benziger 1987

3.Die Welt des tibetischen Buddhismus München: Kösel 1996 (Italian translation: Il Buddhismo Tibetano, Vicenza: Neri 1998)

4.Buddhismus und Christentum. Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog (with Whalen Lai), München: C.H.Beck 1997 (English and French translations).

5.Wie können wir leben? Religion und Spiritualität in einer Welt ohne Maß, München: C.H.Beck 2002

6.Zen. Geschichte und Praxis, München: C.H.Beck 2004

7.Bhagavad-Gîtâ, Frankfurt: Verlag der Weltreligionen (Suhrkamp/Insel) 2007

8.Einführung in den Buddhismus, Frankfurt: Verlag der Weltreligionen (Suhrkamp/Insel) 2007

9.Religion und Politik in Tibet, Frankfurt: Verlag der Weltreligionen (Suhrkamp/Insel)2008

10.Leben in der Kraft der Rituale. Religion und Spiritualität in Indien (with Regina von Brück), München: C.H.Beck 2011

11.Grundzüge einer modernen Anthropologie (with Günter Rager), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2012

12.Weltinnenraum. Rainer Maria Rilkes „Duineser Elegien“ in Resonanz mit dem Buddha, Freiburg: Herder 2015

13.Sehen-Verstehen-SEHEN. Meditationen zu Zen-Kalligraphien (with Hans Zender), Freiburg: Karl Alber 2019

14.Buddhismus. Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen, München: C.H.Beck 2019

Forthcoming:Interkulturelles Ökologisches Manifest, Freiburg: Alber (spring 2020)

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